About Us

Canadian MPN Network

About Us

About the

Canadian MPN Network

The Canadian MPN Network (CMPNN) was founded in 2014 as an organization connecting and helping Canadians from coast to coast to coast who are dealing with the challenges of living with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN). The CMPNN is led by a volunteer cross-Canada Board of Directors composed primarily of MPN patients who meet virtually. The Board has a “patient first” mindset and is dedicated to improving the quality of life for Canadian MPN patients by providing education, advocacy, and support.

CMPNN initiatives are free of charge to Canadian MPN patients and their care partners and include the annual conference, a comprehensive website citing relevant, factual, knowledge-based information and resources, linkages to the medical community and active regional support groups.

The CMPNN Board developed this Strategic Plan to identify its priorities for the next three years and the actions it will take to achieve these priorities. By securing the necessary resources, including additional volunteers and funding, the Board will ensure that all Canadian patients and their support networks will benefit from the education, advocacy and support the CMPNN can provide.

Our Vision:

Better lives for all Canadians with a Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) disorder.

Our Mission:

Through education, advocacy and support, the Canadian MPN Network strives to improve the quality of life for Canadian MPN patients and their support network.

Our Values:

The CMPNN is patient-centred and

  • Encourages a culture that is compassionate and non-judgemental, respects confidentiality and is knowledge-based
  • Embraces diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Values collaboration with our stakeholders
  • Conducts business in a transparent, honest, ethical manner using democratic decision making
  • Fosters innovation and creativity in service delivery

Our Strategies:

  • Build Organizational Capacity
  • Education about MPNs
  • Advocacy for the MPN Community
  • Support the MPN Community

Our Committees:

  • Patient Support
  • Advocacy
  • Conference
  • IT
  • Finance

Why not


The Canadian MPN Network is always looking for volunteers.

If you feel that you can add too, or want to volunteer, we are always looking for help with  committees, support groups or even becoming a board member, fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Board of Directors

Doug Chisholm

Doug Chisholm

Calgary, Alberta

Dov Lidor

Dov Lidor

Thornhill, Ontario

Kristen Hummel

Kristen Hummel

Barrie, Ontario

Joanne McKinley

Joanne McKinley

Kitchener, Ontario

John Clark

John Clark

Board Member
Fonthill, Ontario

Phil Arner

Phil Arner

Ottawa, Ontario

Augusto Latgé

Augusto Latgé

Board Member
Montreal, Quebec

Stephen Evans

Stephen Evans

Board Member
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Patti Saluk

Patti Saluk

Edmonton, Alberta